Zionist Youth Movement in Germany (ZJD) and Israeli kindergarten “Noah’s Ark”, Frankfurt

Volunteer in the Zionist Youth Movement in Germany (ZJD) and plan activities for young zionistic children and teenagers in Frankfurt and around. Part of your work is also taking care of the Hebrew Library in Frankurt. Simultaneously you will work and assist the kindergarten workers of the Israeli kindergarten “Noah’s Ark” .

Number of volunteers: 2-3

Jewish Elementary School of Stuttgart

Volunteer in the Jewish elementary school in Stuttgart, in which you will assist the teacher and accompany students throughout the day, especially helping out in the areas of the Hebrew language and Israeli history.

Number of volunteers: 2

Retirement home of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt

Volunteer in the retirement home of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt and assist and accompany the residents throughout their day – whether taking a walk, helping with their groceries, planning and doing activities or just having a conversation.

Number of volunteers: 1

Home for young people with disabilities in Frankfurt

Located inside of the retirement home of the Jewish Community in Frankurt, you will volunteer in the department for young people with disabilities. You will accompany and assist the workes, while also participating and helping with various activities for the residents.

Number of volunteers: 1

Toddler group/Kindergarten “The Roonis” of the Jewish Community in Cologne

Volunteer in the Jewish toddler group/kindergarten “The Roonis” of the Jewish Community of Cologne. Assist and help the kindergarten workers in their day-to-day activities and care taking of the children.

Number of volunteers: 1

Jewish High School of Munich

Volunteer in the Jewish High School in Munich, in which you will assist the teacher and accompany students throughout the day, especially helping out in the areas of the Hebrew language and Israeli history.

Number of volunteers: 1

Masorti Jewish Elementary School in Berlin

Volunteer in Germany’s capital Berlin in the Masorti Jewish Elementary School, in which you will assist the teacher and accompany students throughout the day, especially helping out in the areas of the Hebrew language and Israeli history.

Number of volunteers: 1

Nelly-Sachs Retirement home of the Jewish Community in Düsseldorf

Volunteer in the Nelly-Sachs Retirement home of the Jewish Community in Düsseldorf and assist and accompany the residents throughout their day – whether taking a walk, helping with their groceries, planning and doing activities or just having a conversation.

Number of volunteers: 1

Hashomer Hatzair, Ken Berlin

Volunteer in the re-established secular youth movement Hashomer Hatzair in Berlin, and plan activities for children and youth in Berlin and around. This is an opportunity to take part in building new traditions in the new generation of the organisation and help us with the “Sommermachane” (summer camp) – the significant outdoor activity of the year, for children and youth from all over Germany and in cooperation with Ken Warsaw. Part of the volunteering is public relations and support in the administrative work of the youth association, as well as work with the youth team and initiating further activities around secular and humanistic Judaism.

Number of volunteers: 1